Technology Solutions


We believe that measurement by technology solutions is the top criterion for measurement results to be accurate, honest and fair.
Compass-Tech has applied the latest achievements of Machine Learning technology in image recognition and processing solutions. From there we integrate the measurement algorithm of traffic flow, human eye vision to create Compass-Tech's own measurement technology.


  • We measure traffic flow of billboards using camera traffic measurement continuously for 02 weeks, from 06 am to 10 pm.
  • The camera uses Machine Learning technology to classify people, motorbikes, cars, buses, trucks, etc.From this we calculate the exact number of people passing by the advertising position (DEC), the number of people who have access (OTC) and the number of people who actually see the advertisement (VAC).


  • We analyze the effectiveness of the outdoor billboards in different directions from the intersections, simulating the complexity of actual traffic flow at the billboard position.
  • We use specialized algorithms to analyze vision data from the dash cam according to the parameters: Attention rate, Apparent vision ratio, Clear vision ratio, Interactive time, Effective ratio Interactive advertising results.
  • The vision analysis video is stored and accompanied by the license granted, which helps to ensure the objectivity and ease of searching of customers.